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Heard in general chat: Has Facebook peaked?


Gamers, for some obvious reasons, tend to be a bit more tech savvy than most people. They want the best gaming experience, so they know all about processors and graphics cards. They want to communicate with their guild mates and their gaming friends, so they’re usually up on the latest tools that will help them do that.

As a rule, gamers are usually a little ahead of where everyone else is going with technology.

The question on everyone’s mind, the topic in boardrooms and coffeehouses, is has Facebook peaked? Is it another Apple or another Myspace? It’s an intriguing question whether you bought FB stock or not.

Gamers might just have their fingers to the pulse on this one. I was playing Tera the other night, and the Facebook IPO was a hot topic in general chat. There was a lot of banter, some about FB’s privacy or lack there of, some about how much money was involved, but the response most people had was simply this: “I still have a Facebook account, but I rarely use it, anymore.”

Okay, it’s just general chat, idle banter and not statistically reliable, but… If gamers have moved on, is the general public far behind?


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