
Have I ganked you?


Here we go! Fun photo and a little about post-processing

A fun photo, today. One of those shots you can never plan. I was shooting a vanishing point at the Old Port in Montreal, a place very busy with people hanging out and biking and taking rides and stuff like that. It’s almost like an amusement park, but with none of the crassness that usually accompanies them.

The people in the buggy ride–that’s the best way I can describe it–were clearing having fun, as they passed by. This is contrasted against the couple casually walking by in the background. I think it’s a fun photo, exuding a little captured happiness. It might not be Cartier-Bresson’s boy with wine bottle, but I think it’s fun. : )

In this case, I think I got the colors just about perfect. I’m trying to keep my post-processing to a minimum while I learn what I’m doing. I also don’t want my work to become more about the post-processing than the photo.

In the photo with the balloon, I don’t think I did such a great job of this. I like the image, but the post-processing did some unfortunate things: The colors are a little off, in my opinion, there’s a bit of banding on the white balloon, and there’s something of a corona effect around the white balloon, too. I’ll just chalk that up as a learning experience.


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