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3 reasons why Diablo 3’s RMAH is doomed: Reason 3

3. Money ruins everything

Diablo 3’s real-money auction house (RMAH) brings a whole different class of people to the game. These people don’t care about playing the game, they just care about milking the game for every dime they can get out of it. And if they have to lie, cheat or steal to make that dime, as long as they can get away with it they will. And even if they can’t get away with it they will. It’s not like Blizzard can send the SWAT team to China.

Gold sellers are flocking to Diablo 3 like buzzards to a bloated water buffalo carcass.

Gold sellers are flocking to Diablo 3 like buzzards to a bloated water buffalo carcass. They’re all over general chat, simply because there’s a lot more money to be made in Diablo 3 than other games. In other games, there’s a limited market for gold selling – only so many butttards will buy gold in a regular MMO, but in Diablo 3 game gold becomes much more valuable. More people will be motivated to buy gold so they can buy good gear that will help them in Hell and Inferno modes, the modes where the high-dollar set pieces and legendary items drop.

If you’re in it for the money, why grind to get the gear you need? Just buy it off the GGAH.

Or maybe just steal it.

Yes, you know this is happening. Almost as soon as people got past Error 37, the Blizzard forums lit up like a misplaced match at a fuel depot: A lot of people were complaining about their accounts being hacked. This happens in every game, but hackers are extra motivated to get into your account in Diablo 3. You see, there’s a possibility they might make a dollar or two, now. Lots of hackers are working really hard to get into your account, now.

You don’t have a security key on your account? Run, dude, run.

What’s that? You don’t have a security key on your account? Run, dude, run. Get that security key added to your account, right now. Seriously. Run!

But you know, gold-selling, hacking… that stuff takes time. Why not just bot?

Seriously, in the virtual world, time is not money. Launch a bot and go play a game you like to play. Even if the items your bot loots only get you a few bucks it’s not like it was your time. Just keep running the bot 24/7 and it will pay for itself, because it doesn’t cost anything, anyway. Well, there’s the depreciation on the computer and the broadband connection. Hmm, better run more bots to maximize your take. Who cares if you’re putting extra strain on Blizzard’s servers?

Gold sellers, hackers, botters and all the rest of the scum of the gaming world are out in force for Diablo 3, and, frankly, the possibility of making a few dollars has surely helped swell their ranks.

The simple fact is the RMAH makes Diablo 3 about money and money ruins everything.



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