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Sapporo: There’s always a photo, somewhere

I try to take a photo, every day. I do miss the occasional day, but for the most part I’ve been pretty good about this since I’ve gotten my camera. Whether due to life getting in the way or the weather sucking, I don’t always get out to take photos, but that doesn’t mean I can’t take a photo. Just because I’m stuck in the house with my camera, it doesn’t mean I’m not surrounded by photo opportunities.

There’s my dog, who you’ll probably see too much, and there are endless things to photograph in endlessly different ways. You’ll see those, too. In fact, today’s image, Sapporo, is one of those photos. It’s just a photo of a beer bottle. A very mundane subject.

The idea is to just take a photo. I try not to worry about whether it’s fantastic or brilliant or a masterpiece. I just work.

I try to treat each photo as a learning experience, try a new technique, play around with something different. I try to keep learning, because I have a lot to learn.

This one came out nice, I think. Nice depth of field, nice bronze tones, and really nice lines. By nice lines, I’m referring to the fact that the lines in the Sapporo bottle parallel the lines for the photo’s frame.



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