
Have I ganked you?


Hornet’s nest, again. Interesting?

This is another photo of a hornets’* nest built near my home in Arlington. I’ve taken a lot of photos of it this year. I’m fascinating by having an opportunity to see Nature so boldly going about Her business so nearby.

I’ve already put a hornets’ nest photo up, but in retrospect it was a rather bland photo. As I look back on it, just a couple of weeks later, it’s a very simple photo, the sort you’d take if you just wanted to document something. That’s fine, but I’m hoping to do more than document things–I want to make my photos interesting.

This second one is more interesting, I believe. There’s a little obstruction from the branches and the orientation of the photo makes the viewer focus more on the next itself rather than all the stuff filling up the rest of the frame.

So, today’s quickie lesson, is about framing. How you frame your image greatly impacts how interesting your final image is. In this case, this photo with the portrait orientation is much more interesting than the landscape one I had posted previously.


*I’m told by my naturalist wife that there aren’t any true hornets in North America–they’re all wasps. But for the sake of this article, let’s call them hornets. : )


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